Woodland Escapes is not a manicured campsite with paved paths, it is set in natural woodland and in places the terrain is uneven and steep, so please make sure that all of your party are aware of this and wear suitable footwear. In the event of a bit of rain, please be aware that places such as the deck and the steps may be slippy – take extra care when walking. Some properties are set in secluded locations and some have direct access by car. There may be steps to get into the property which may make it unsuitable for guests with mobility problems. Please ring us ahead of arrival if you have any concerns.


Due to Covid 19 Woodland Escapes provides contactless check ins. Guests are required to deposit signed Terms and Conditions at the check in station next to the main house before they can enter the property. Please read the welcome email sent with our Terms for full details of this process.


Non-payment of the outstanding balance specified on your automated booking confirmation by the due date may be treated as a cancellation of your booking and we will be entitled to re-let the property without reference to the guest. If you are unsure when your balance is due it is the guests’ responsibility to enquire for confirmation of the due date.


ALL GUESTS ARE STRONGLY ADVISED TO TAKE OUT PERSONAL HOLIDAY CANCELLATION INSURANCE. Any request to cancel a booking must be made in writing to us. You shall remain liable for all the payments due in respect of the reservation whether or not they have been paid at the time of the cancellation. We will use our reasonable endeavours to re-let the property in respect of the cancellation period. If we are successful you will be refunded the difference between moneys you have paid less the sums receivable from the re-letting after deduction of all costs and expenses incurred by us which shall include an administration fee of £30.00. All deposits are non refundable.


You are responsible for the property and are expected to take all reasonable care of its furniture, fittings and effects, in or on the property. We understand that accidents happen, so if anything has been broken please let us know so we can replace it for our next guest. We have an ‘honesty policy’ at all of our properties, so if anything has been damaged during your stay please leave a sensible amount of money to have it replaced.

All extras including logs, kindling, firelighters, hampers and hot tub (if not pre-ordered), dog charges as well as any contribution to damages to property must be paid for by cash or bank transfer before departure, details of which can be found in the Tree House or requested at the Main House. Guests are reminded that leaving without any such payments is theft and would constitute a breach of contract.


We want all our guests to enjoy a peaceful relaxing stay with us. To keep the woodland tranquil and so as not to disturb the wildlife or guests, we do not allow any loud music or radios outside the Tree House as noise is amplified as it travels up the valley. Guests with children are politely requested to not allow them to trample or cause harm or damage to the wild flowers in the surrounding areas.

In exceptional circumstances we reserve the right to ask your party to leave if there is repeated noise and as you will have breached the terms of your contract with us, no refunds will be forthcoming.


Children have the full run of the woodland and your private gladed area. Please do not allow them to play near the driveway as although we do not have much traffic coming up and down it could still be potentially be dangerous if children are being unsupervised. We are also in the middle of the Shropshire Hills, so the landscape is naturally steep – please take special care when walking in the woodland as there are steep gorges and drops. The Tree House is on an elevated platform so children will need to be watched at all times and whilst near amenities with flames such as the BBQ and fire pit. Please do not let children near the edge of the decking.

Children are not allowed on elevated platforms by themselves or without adequate supervision from an adult.

Please also make sure that the lid is on the hot tub at all times when not in use. Woodland Escapes will not be liable for any injuries resulting from lack of due care and attention on our property (in so far as the law allows).


We require that our guests read and agree the following conditions which should be read in conjunction with and form part of the booking conditions.

You agree:

1. Never to leave any pet unattended in the property.

2. Not to allow any pet on the furniture, especially not the beds.

3. To bring all pet bedding required and towels for drying the pet when required.

4. To ensure that any pet is clean and dry before allowing inside the property.

5. To ensure that pets behave in such a manner as not to disrupt the enjoyment of other people staying in the vicinity or prejudice the reputation of the owner of the property (includes consistent barking)

6. To promptly pick up all dog mess from the garden and to not allow your dog to foul the area


Our properties have carbon monoxide detectors, a smoke detector and a fire extinguisher. You can also find a first aid kit, check your welcome book for the location. Check your welcome book for details of exits and other safety information. All of our properties are strictly non-smoking and we ask that this includes the immediate area outside of the doors. An ash tray is provided for your convenience – no cigarette ends are to be thrown onto the grounds, they must be disposed of responsibly and respectfully.

The log burner is very safe if used properly. Instructions can be found in your Information pack and should be read before use. Management requests that in the interests of safety, the log burner is not left alight and stocked up with logs when you are going out for the day. Guests are also kindly reminded that only kiln dried wood with a moisture content of less than 13% can be burnt in the log burners – these can be ordered from us or can be brought by you – we the reserve the right to check the moisture content of the wood brought on site by guests.

We take every care to ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable holiday, but cannot be held liable for any accidents or consequential loss or damage to the guest’s possessions on the property or land. Please make sure your car is locked when it is on site and that you accommodation is locked with the keys provided when you are out.


Logs and fire lighting amenities need to be purchased at the time of booking or in cash upon arrival at a cost of £6.00 per bag. We provide logs in a small shed close to your accommodation. These are provided for the convenience of guests at below cost price and MUST be paid for. An honesty box is provided for this purpose and bank details can be found in the welcome book if you have no cash. All of our logs are KILN DRIED– so please don’t burn any other wood in it as it can cause a chimney fire and damage to our stoves. Surrounding wood piles are NOT TO BE USED BY GUESTS – any such usage will amount to theft.

Please note that we supply an initial bundle of newspaper fire lighters and kindling as part of the fire lighting bundle, if you think you will require more please ensure you bring your own before travelling to Woodland Escapes.


Please note that you have a contract with us as the Owner of Woodland Escapes. As such you are under a responsibility to behave in a proper, appropriate and legal manner whilst staying at the property with due respect to the Owner, the Property and other guests and their property.

You are responsible for informing us of any losses or damage to the property as soon as possible. Please note that you will be liable to pay us for any losses or damage to the property caused by you or a member of your party (except reasonable wear and tear). You must also leave the property by the check-out time specified on your booking, unless otherwise agreed.

If any guest behaves inappropriately or improperly (of which we will be the final judge on our Property), or illegally, we reserve the right to ask the guest and their party (at their discretion) to leave the Property before the end of the holiday period and/or refuse any future bookings from you. Any refund for so doing will be entirely at our discretion. In addition, we reserve the right to sue the guest for any loss, damage or injury caused to the Owner, the Property or to other guests and/or their property.


All the properties have a strictly No Smoking Policy which includes the use of Vapes. Anyone who smokes outdoors is responsible for disposing of their cigarette butts safely and in the bins provided and must not litter the surrounding areas.


In the rental price each of the following is included:

Use of water and gas for the BBQ. Reasonable use of electricity and gas. Bed linen, towels and all kitchen and cooking amenities

The logs, fire lighting amenities and hot tub are not included in the booking price and are subject to extra charges

12. Hot Tub Usage

For those who have hired exclusive use: Our wood fired hot tub is a luxurious treat and we encourage all guests to use it to relax anytime they wish. We supply one large basket of seasoned wood for reasonable use. If more wood is required you can purchase wood from us at £6.00 per basket. When not in use, the cover needs to be placed back over the tub to keep the water warm and for safety reasons highlighted above.

  • Hot tubs are safe, healthy and relaxing, but you should follow these common sense rules:
  • Do not leave children unattended in your hot tub
  • Avoid running, jumping in and climbing around the hot tub.
  • Keep hydrated. Have a bottle of water or juice handy if you’re planning on a long session.
  • Please try your best to regulate the temperature. The manufacturers recommended temperature is between 34 and 38 degrees. If it is getting too hot then do not add any more wood to the stove as the water may become dangerously hot.
  • If the water is too hot guests can cool it down with the hose pipe situated close to the tub.
  • Do not leave hose pipes on longer than is absolutely necessary as this could empty the tank and interrupt the water supply.
  • Please note all surfaces can be slippery when wet so please take extra care.
  • In signing these terms you agree that you will read the instructions and safety notes supplied in the welcome book inside your accommodation and follow all guidance intended to keep everyone safe.

Our hot tubs may not be suitable for infants, small children or pregnant women and people with mobility problems. All surfaces are slippery when wet so please take extra care.

No chemicals are to be used in the hot tub, including shampoo, shower gel, washing up liquid etc. Please note we use eco friendly chlorine free hot tub water treatment tablets or powder to sanitise the water. These may leave a white residue visible in the water. www.eco3spa.com

Important: please consult your GP before bathing if you are pregnant or if you have any kind of heart, blood pressure, or respiratory problems.


All our properties have to be thoroughly cleaned before every arrival. We kindly ask that all guests respect this process and strictly adhere to the check in and check out times below.

Our check in time is 3pm-9pm on day of arrival.

Our check out time is 10am on day of departure.

Due to the remote location all guests must contact us ahead of arriving to advise of estimated time of arrival and keep us reasonably informed of any changes to this time.

We strongly recommend you plan your journey so you arrive in daylight. If you are unable to arrive by 7pm please do let us know so that we can ensure someone is available for the check in process.


You are staying in a secluded woodland location with wild animals and potentially dangerous natural hazards such as rabbit holes, badger sets, caves and gorges with steep slopes. Also you must be aware that some of the equipment (such as the log burner) may be dangerous if misused. Whilst we will take great care to keep you safe, accidents can happen and we are not held responsible for such accidents (to the greatest extent permitted by law). It is your responsibility to supervise children. You are strongly recommended to take out personal travel insurance for all members of your party in the event of an accident and your holiday being cut short. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance you purchase is adequate and appropriate for your particular needs.


Please let us know if you intend to bring additional visitors to the site. Additional visitors should leave the site by 10pm. Any persons who do not have express permission to be on site will be asked to leave.


Woodland Escapes is not a large campsite with a huge car park. There is only room for one car per booking. Any guest wanting to bring more than one car will need to contact us prior to arrival to arrange car parking arrangements. Any guest not declaring a second car before arrival may be liable to be charged. The access to Woodland Escapes is down a single tracked tarmacked drive. Guests should be sensible when pulling on and off grass verges in the wetter seasons. Please note that Woodland Escapes is not liable for cars getting stuck on the property – please make sure you have AA cover (or similar) before arriving for your holiday in the rare event that you require vehicle recovery assistance.

Please note NO CHARGING OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES IS PERMITTED FROM THE PROPERTY. Charging points available Rose & Crown Tenbury Wells & Farlow Garage Clee Hill.


At Woodland Escapes we aim to be as ‘green’ as possible when it comes to waste and rubbish. We provide guests with a recycling bin for all recyclable materials such as tins, glass, paper/cardboard, and plastic, a compost bin for food and peelings and a normal bin for non-recyclable waste. Please help us to take care of our beautiful environment and our staff by adhering to our recycling policy which forms part of our terms and conditions.


Guests are reminded that they are in a wild wood and Woodland Escapes is in a dark sky area. As such we must respect the natural environment and wildlife that lives here. Many of which are nocturnal. Because of this we must keep outside lighting to a minimum. Please do not leave any outside lights on at night as it will disturb the natural rhythm of life in the forest. We recommend that guests bring suitable torches with them if arriving in the dark. We provide suitable electric lighting within our properties. Where possible lights are sensored both motion and light. This is part of our sustainability commitment. Guests are not permitted to move electrical equipment, change the position of wiring, cables, TV’s, routers or interfere with any devices that are controlled remotely by Woodland Escapes. Such interference will be regarded as a breach of Terms and Conditions.

I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions and accept full liability should any of the above rules be broken.






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Lead guest Signature

…………………………………… Mobile No: …………………

Car Registration (s):
